Thursday 20 August 2015


  1. Jumping is a competitive sport of riding horses over fences and other obstacles in an arena as a course with penalty points for errors and knocks. 

  2. different Jumping disciplines:

  3. Cross Country- an endurance test. The object is to prove the speed, endurance and jumping ability of a cross-country horse. This is done on a field using solid objects as jumps, these jumps can be designed in any way, height and width.
  4. Show Jumping- consists of normally 8-14 jumps that are placed in an arena. The object is to get a clear round without knocking a pole or getting any time penalties. 
  5. Eventing- a combination of Show Jumping and Cross Country. It normally consists of half show jumping jumps in the arena and half of cross country jumps out the arena that the rider needs to complete.
  6. Equitation- a combination of Dressage and Show Jumping. It begins with a pattern in the arena. Proceeded by a jumping course. The main point of this discipline is neatness and collection.

  7. Working Hunter- consists of a course built with cross country jumps combined with pole jumps. This discipline takes place normally in an arena. 

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