Saturday 5 September 2015

Jumping Position

The jumping position is used when jumping over different jumping obstacle. 

It is known as the:

  • Forward Seat 
  • Light Seat

The seat position:

For jumping your stirrups need to be short this allowing you to get into the jumping position quickly making it comfortable for you and the horse. 

Both legs of the rider must be gently placed by the girth line of the horse. While going over the jump the rider must slightly stand and bend there back a bit forward, placing all the weight into their heels while still having a bend in the knee. 

Half way over the jump the seat position must be returned to sitting in the saddle so that when the horse lands the rider doesn't get jerked forward.

 After landing look ahead to where your next jump, and slightly move your hands a little up the horse’s neck to allow him freedom to jump.

Important to remember!

The first thing to remember is that the correct jumping position must be comfortable for you, the rider, and the horse.  Go with the rhythm of the horse over jumps, try not to be ahead or behind in the horses rhythm. 

The rider must insure that the lower leg position must stay the same and not allow it to drift backwards. 

The higher the jump gets the more the rider must lean forwards.

Top Tips for general riding position: 

  • Push your weight of your body down into your heels. 
  • Keep your legs as still as possible to try and maintain your balance and strength over the jumps.
  • Try to only use your legs to keep yourself in this position and never pull up with your hands.

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