Wednesday 9 September 2015

Why do people love Show Jumping?

Why love Show Jumping?

Most non-horse riders don't understand why most riders would want to do horse riding when it's life threatening, dangerous, time consuming, expensive and a lot of work.

There are so many reasons why riders love it!

Most people do it because they love it and enjoy spending time with an animal. They have doing it because there is always new to learn, new experiences or some just do it as a sport or for fun and/or hacking around.


Most show jumpers do it to compete.
To feel as if they have achieved something.
To achieve being able to control a horse, a live animal, through a jumping course. 
Others do it for fun. 
Some do it because it's an amazing experience to be able to "fly" through the air.
Most can do it to gain a partnership with their horse.
Others do it for the thrill and excitement of jumping high.
Some might only do it to do competition and win.

Show jumping is loads of fun and there is so much you can learn at your own pace. It's known as a sport where you can learn something new every day. 
If you feel scared to do it, I would just say go for it because its a lifetime experience!

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